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Green Lake County 4-H Ambassadors
What is a Green Lake County 4-H Ambassador?
Green Lake County 4-H Ambassadors are the youth leaders that represent Green Lake County. By becoming a Green Lake County 4-H Ambassador, you are dedicating time and energy into supporting the county 4-H program all while learning the skills needed to be leader. Ambassadors is for youth in 6th grade or older.
Check out some of the important work that the 4-H Ambassadors get to do:
- Connecting with their local communities
- Bring to life county-wide programming
- Promote the 4-H program
- Learn leadership skills and apply them in 4-H and beyond

Check out our 4-H Ambassador Food Drive Donation pictured above!
Green Lake County 4-H Ambassador Benefits
- Benefits:
- Increase your knowledge of local, county, and state 4-H.
- Improve your leadership and communication skills.
- Build up your self-confidence and become more aware of your capabilities.
- Have a larger say in county-wide programming
- HAVE FUN!!!!
Interested in applying?
If you want to gain leadership skills all while having fun, sign up to be an ambassador! Fill out the application below and return it to the Green Lake County Extension Office by January 1st! Make sure to also select the “Ambassador” project in 4-H Online!
Return Forms by mail or email!
Current Ambassador Advisors
Brandon Springer
Green Lake County 4-H Program Educator