Home » 4-H and Youth » 4-H Archery Project
4-H Archery Project
- Archery Safety Rules
- Agreement for Indemnification
- Archery Project Letter (2022)
- 4-H Archery Project Constitution and Bylaws
- 2024-2025 Archery Project Board of Directors
The Green Lake County 4-H Archery Project covers the fundamentals of archery safety and marksmanship, understanding and making equipment, shooting form, shooting with sites and compound bows. For information about the statewide Shoot Sports Program, check out their website: Shooting Sports – Wisconsin 4-H
Archery Project Information:
Spring/ Summer Shoot Schedule:
Note: Archery Shoots may be cancelled due to the weather! The Archery Project Leaders should notify families via text (phone numbers gathered at first meeting) AND notify the 4-H Program Educator so an email can be sent to families enrolled in the Archery Project as well as a notice on the website. Please reach out to an Archery Project Leader or the Extension Office if you have questions about the schedule or cancelled shoots!

All Green Lake County 4-H Archery Project members must view the official safety video! On the first shoot of the year (April 27th), there will be an orientation to watch the safety video, find proper bow size and weight, and introduce the range rules. If you are unable to make the first meeting, individuals will work with the Archery Leaders to complete these BEFORE they begin shooting!
Interested in Volunteering for Archery?
Assisting Current Leaders: If you are interested in helping out at archery shoots, it is highly encouraged that you become a 4-H volunteer through 4-H Online. Check out the Wisconsin 4-H website for more information or contact the Green Lake County Extension Office. Become a Volunteer – Wisconsin 4-H
After becoming a 4-H Volunteer, reach out to a member of the Board of Directors or the Extension Office to see how you can help!
Leading Archery Shoots: If you are interested in being the lead instructor for shoots, you must become a 4-H volunteer described above. You also must go through the State 4-H Certification process detailed on their website. Leader Certification Training Workshops – Wisconsin 4-H
For more information or any questions, contact the Green Lake County Extension Office!