Upcoming Opportunities

Want to know what’s going in Green Lake County 4-H? This is the place to find out about upcoming events, activities, and other opportunities available to 4-H’ers and future members! You can also check out our newsletter, Facebook page, or reach out to the Extension Office or Club Leader! Keep checking back for new opportunities!

Club Officer Training:

Are you a newly elected club officer? Interested in running in the future? This is a great chance to learn what is expected of you whether you are a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or a different officer.

When: December 7th at 1pm

Where: Green Lake County Government Building Training Room

Club Officer Training Sign Up!

Green Lake County 4-H Welcome Night

Welcome to Green Lake County 4-H! Meet your 4-H Educator, learn about everything 4-H has to offer from project learning to statewide experiences to being eligible to show at the Green Lake County Fair. This is perfect for new families or for people interested in learning more about 4-H!

When Dec. 21st at 6pm

Where: Green Lake County Government Building – Extension Training Room

4-H Welcome Night Sign Up!

Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Photo Contest

Is your spark photography? Want to show off your skills? Enter in the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation’s photo contest! There are three categories you can enter:

  • General Photography
  • 4-H Experience
  • Clovers on Film

A winner will be chosen in each category as well as a Best of Show. All winning photographs will become property of the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation and should not be used by the photographer for any other purposes. The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation may also use any entries to promote or raise funds for the 4-H program.

Check out the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Website for entry requirements (Make sure you read these BEFORE submitting!) and additional information!

Check back for more upcoming opportunities! Want to learn more about any of the opportunities? Contact Brandon Springer at 920-294-4035 or by email at brandon.springer@wisc.edu

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