Exhibiting & Selling Meat and Dairy Goats at the Green Lake County Fair & Auction

Exhibiting Dairy and Meat Goats at the Green Lake County Fair

Exhibition requirements set by the Green Lake County Fair

  • All goats must have either a scrapie’s or if they are registered through a recognized breed association, must have tattoos in ears that are legible, and that match registration papers which will be presented to goat superintendents BEFORE animals are unloaded.
  • All animals must be checked by a goat superintendent prior to being unloaded at the Fair to ensure animals are properly tagged and/or tattooed.
  • Each exhibitor is allowed to exhibit a maximum of 4 goats.
  • Each exhibitor will be assigned a maximum of 2 pens.
  • ALL goat showmanship classes will be judged prior to the sheep show by the sheep judge.
  • Meat goats will be shown prior to the sheep show and judged by the sheep judge.
  • Dairy goats will be judged prior to the dairy show by the dairy judge.
  • A milking stand will be provided for milking goats. Milking units must be provided by each individual exhibitor for their own animals.
  • Market goats must be born on January 1 or after of that current year.
  • Wethers and does are allowed to be exhibited in market classes.
  • Each exhibitor is allowed to exhibit a maximum of two market goats.
  • All market goats must have a scrapie’s tag- no exceptions.
  • It is at the exhibitor’s discretion if they want to have their market animals’ hair clipped or not.

If any further questions, contact Green Lake County Fair Goat Superintendents:

Ben Bruss, 920-229-6898
McKenna Glover, 920-948-9359 

Selling Meat Goats in the Green Lake County Fair Livestock Auction

Auction participation requirements set by the Green Lake County Livestock Council

  • Must meet the minimum weight requirement of 50 pounds at the Green Lake County Fair in order to sell in the auction. There is no maximum weight.
  • Market goats must be owned by exhibitors by the tagging date of that current year.
  • Goats sold in the auction must be a meat goat breed (Boer, Kiko, Spanish, etc.)
  • Wethers and does are allowed to be sold in the auction.
  • Each exhibitor is only allowed to sell one market goat in the auction.
  • Any goat sold in the auction must have a Green Lake County Fair Livestock Auction tag and a completed Animal Identification Form.

If further questions, contact Green Lake County Livestock President Dan Huitema, 920-229-2696

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